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Design + Build + Experience
(828) 423-0623

Canton roof far view

Canton half roof

Canton shingles on ridge

Cabin Build
Aitkin Mn


Roofing & Siding Replacement

Store Design Build

Roofing & Siding Replacement

Roofing & Siding Replacement

Roofing & Siding Replacement

Mashaal the Mammoth
Wooly Mammoth Public Art Sculpture

Mashaal the Mammoth
Lit up at night

Mashaal the Mammoth

Mashaal the Mammoth
During build in Detroit Lakes, MN

Mashaal the Mammoth

Mashaal the Mammoth

Zug Zug the Cave Man
Built for the Ad Fed awards at Orchestra hall in Minneapolis, Mn.

Zug Zug the Cave Man

Zug Zug the Cave Man

Zara the Mother Huntress

Zug Zug and Zara

Store Cashier desk

Car fabrication
On display at Atlanta botanical garden for Thomas Dambo Exabit.

Car fabrication

Store Design Build

Store Design Build

Roofing & Siding Replacement

Roofing & Siding Replacement

Store Cashier Booth

Bathroom Remodel
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